Monday, November 14, 2016

Drop-Ins Welcome

I am working on getting over people "just dropping by" our house.  I have so wanted to be the kind of person that always had a door open, ready to receive any spontaneous guests, but alas, I am a staunch introvert with thick boundaries who really, really hates surprises.  It hasn't been a very easy thing, you guys.

Today, four people at four different times randomly stopped by.  Four.  That is probably a world record.  

All four of those people looked cute and put together, as I met them at the door without makeup and unshowered, in the red sweatpants I have had since college that have a hole in the butt.  I had to scoop toys and junk away from the front door just to let our guests inside - that's how messy my house was.  It wasn't just a "two toddlers live here" messy, it was embarrassingly messy AND stinky.  Twice, my kids weren't fully clothed.  The other two times, they were clothed, but terribly mismatched with wild hair.  Once, they were screaming and attempting to kill each other.

Twice, I apologized about the mess.  Three times, I apologized for our "crazy" house.  The fourth time, I took a deep breath, smiled a lot, and apologized for nothing.  

The fourth time felt the best.

It must just get easier?  To let people see your mess?  The zits your makeup usually covers?  The crazy life you'd never dare to post on Facebook?

Come on over, friends.  Don't bother to call.  If practice makes perfect, you can help me move further towards having a spontaneously welcoming home.

And, Jesus?  You had better come help me.

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